Sunday, April 17, 2016

"Vernal life is upon us!"

photo by James McCarthy

(for Janet Galle)

turtles basking
basking in the sunlight
(every stump
basking in moss, lichen, light)
basking in birdsong, riversound
quiet, basking in quiet

Gary Lawless


A riverbank
to sit beside
in tranquil contemplation
of turbulence and roil
defying explanation
but always flowing freely
without reservation
like the family bond between
the mountain and the ocean
we drink the same pure water
in timeless resignation
to receive the very blessing
of the river in submission

S R French


A mini-collaboration inside of a collaboration

we stumble down like leaves
called to the river's edge
the water calls to me
and echoes from the trees
It is the earth I feel
sending power up my knees
Driving me onward into the Beauty
the Great Architect has created.

Abby, Bonner & Faith

For a blog posting on how "Studying Moss is like making a poem":

partridge berry photo by James McCarthy

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