Sunday, May 21, 2017

may walk

group photo, may 21 walk - Jim McCarthy
hellebore- Jim McCarthy

We are continuing our naming project - giving new names to favorite places, trees, plants... in the Preserve. Here are some from today: blueberry point, porcupine ledge, phoebe falls, ice eddy falls, scout camp, wood frog way. Do you have personal names for places in the Preserve you would share with us?

violets in the rock seam -
is the light in the water
is the light inside the stone
is the light moving
is that what I hear
is there light inside me
who is listening ?

This Preserve is a blessing
Grounding me more
with each step
Nature speaks to me saying "Everything is as it should be."

Thank you CREA
Judy visiting from RI

A live-wire yellow-rumped
and black throated green warblers
in spite of grey + cold, Rose
breasted grosbeak sang for
an hour - Black throated blue too!

Janet Galle 5/12

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